Grow and diversify your commercial portfolio with high-quality borrowers across the country

Join Transend as a funding partner to originate and acquire premium commercial credit at scale.

Transend Funding Partners

Leverage the power of the Transend platform to connect small business owners with evergreen lines of credit—without any of the heavy lifting


Tech Investment


Cost of Acquisition


Additional OPEX

Fund commercial borrowers through Transend:

Step One

Suppliers originate commercial customers looking for working capital in any of the 50 states

Step Two

Customers who fit your policies get funded by your institution

Step Three

Transend handles all onboarding and servicing and provides real-time reporting to adhere to compliance and regulatory requirements

Become a Transend Funding Partner today

The Transend platform is backed by the industry's leading financial institutions to spearhead B2B commerce beyond today's standard.

Contact us to see how easy it is to participate in a high yield, low volatility, and low risk credit program today.